Tips For How To Survive Pharmacy School

how to survive pharmacy school

how to survive pharmacy school? That's a question I get asked a lot. I'm not sure if I've ever answered this before but I'll do it anyway. I have three kids and the thought of going into the "real world" and having to work in a pharmacy is something I can't get past. When my kids ask me how to survive pharmacy school, I tell them it's not as hard as it sounds. In fact, it's quite the opposite.

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I think what most people have to go through when they want to know how to survive pharmacy school is a nervous breakdown. There are just too much going on at work and at home. You have to learn good time management skills, which will help you during the hours you work and the times you relax. You have to be able to balance that.


I was in the same situation about six years ago when I first started college. My parents were paying for my four year schooling and I didn't have a great deal of money. It seemed like every time I went out, I was asked to raise money for something. It wasn't always the cheapest thing to do so I ended up really shy around the girls. I couldn't walk up to a girl and tell her I needed money and I didn't have it so I had to become pretty good at hiding my wants and needs from girls.

Tips for How to Survive Pharmacy School


What I learned about how to survive pharmacy school? You need to have a lot of confidence. If you don't have confidence in yourself, you won't have the courage to talk to a girl and you might not even make it through the first semester. Even if you don't have money, you need to raise a lot of money to get through school. Even if you don't have the money, there are ways to help pay for your education. And you need to know how to do your research to find out what options are available to you.


Another thing I learned about how to survive pharmacy school? Get organized. My parents knew I needed to take classes that would prepare me for college, but they didn't realize how seriously I took this and how much I was prepared for my studies. I organized my books and resources on my desk, took advantage of the free counseling I had access to (my parents paid for it) and I even made a timeline and worked out my classes so that I knew how long each would take.


Learning how to survive pharmacy school also meant that I worked during the day and stayed home doing research. My parents were fine with this arrangement, since they could afford to support me. On the other hand, most people in their situation don't have the option to just get rid of their job when they are done with school. This means you need to find a way to make time at home for your studies, or else you may be stuck working at a job you really don't enjoy while paying for night school.


The final tip I have for you if you want to know how to survive pharmacy school? Make sure that you keep yourself motivated. Don't let yourself slack off because you feel like you don't have enough time to study. Pursue your goals and stay focused on what you need to get done to complete your degree.


If you follow the tips that I gave you in this article, you will survive pharmacy school and get your degree. What is important to remember is that you don't have to do all of this on your own. Find a good program at a community college near you and get started. I urge you to talk with the people at the community college regarding what courses you can take, so that you will not have to worry about the logistics of getting your degree. Also, take advantage of any free or low cost help that you can find. When it comes to being successful in life, you will be surprised how many opportunities are open to you once you start looking in the right places.

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